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Friday, November 14, 2008

Hi and GoodBye...

1,5 months and counting...since the last time i wrote in this blog.

Grateful for today...
I'm grateful for having a small bums 'cause i could still fit in my 5 year old -already- tapered jeans..

I'm a newbie in my newest blogosphere adventure in tumblr. still don't know if i am going to quit blogspot or not ?!? Since my father died this blog seems to depressed for me to read it.

photo from flickr
My World at 8:48 AM


Monday, September 08, 2008

Nothing can beats Family...

My World at 8:38 PM


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My World at 10:14 AM



I used to feel save in my life...

Everything just work the way i would like to be,

Even when things got out of control i could always bend it back to where i want it to go.

Suddenly, so many responsibilities coming right at me...

I couldn't even catch my breath for a moment. Live My life for a moment.

Only needed to go away... for a while.
My World at 9:52 AM


Sunday, June 08, 2008

Here Today Gone Tomorrow

My dad died a month ago. Jujur gw gak bisa ngomong apa-apa, lidah rasanya kelu setiap kali ada orang yang tanya gimana bokap meninggal..

rasanya dada gw sesak waktu gw harus mengulangi cerita yang sama ke family relatives yang belum tahu kabar ini..

I'm heart broken. And it hurts so much...

Save me a place up there Dad!
One day i'll be seeing you again....

in memoriam

My Dad
(April 21,1949 - May 6,2008)
My World at 8:41 AM


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Literature = Green Reading

Suatu hari sehabis nonton Into the Wild sampai mata sembab, gw mulai cari buku-buku yang jadi referensi dari si Christopher Mccandless yang membuat dia berpikiran untuk menyerahkan keduniawian buat mencari apa yang dia anggap as a happiness or freedom from material thing.

Dan dari dua buku yang gw cari, Walden by Thoreau dan Call of The Wild by Jack London, susah banget menemukan yang Walden, kebanyakan cuma jual yang Call of The Wild saja. Pernah ketemu tapi sudah abridged alias udah diedit ulang lebih pendek dari yang sebenarnya.

Karena iseng gw cek-cek ke google soal download classic ebook dan gw temukanlah Literature project yang nyediain berbagai macam judul literature classic yang menurut gw bagus-bagus. Dan it's for a good cost, read an ebook and saving a tree. Walaupun udah ada buku-buku yang pakai recycle paper seperti Harry Potter, sebagian besar masih harus tebang pohon buat bikin kertas.

So, reading classic = environment friendly?
My World at 3:37 AM


Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Di Jak Jazz nih..ingin kembali lagi tahun ini.


Daily job..ngerjain tugas..

narsis abis..love yourself.

nunggu makanan dateng..
My World at 8:59 AM


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Broken Heart is hard to do...

Sedihnya liat teman teman gw yang hubungannya berjatuhan...mau curhat berkali-kali pun gak bakal bikin perasaan jadi lebih enak..

Been there done that cuma itu tanggapan gw soal broken hearted feeling. It crushed you hard. It was surreal. You don't want to hear anyone. You don't want to talk with anyone. You just keep making excuses about what you could've done to avoid your broken heart.

And then it became one hell of an experience. It makes you tougher than ever.
My World at 1:28 AM





The Return of Us




[Achiedz] [Afrid] [Arma]
[Amel] [Anthee] [Bunga]
[Burung] [Codot] [Dee]
[Deenda] [De la] [Diandra]
[Dian] [Ditta] [EsBi]
[Farah] [Fathi] [Galuh]
[GoodEaters] [Gogo] [Icha]
[TheJojobas] [Jomblolicious] [Lani]
[LuigiPralangga] [Mita] [Mitha]
[Monic] [Monik] [Trinity]
[Nengirma] [Nila] [Nora]
[Oomkoko] [Pacarterbang]
[Resthia] [Robo] [Sissi]
[Spedaman] [SubRosa] [Uthie]
[Vina] [Wahyu] [Zhenn]


September 06
Oktober 06
November 06
Desember 06
Januari 07
Februari 07
Maret 07
April 07
May 07
Juni 07
Juli 07
Agustus 07
November 07
Desember 07


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